Built for Specific Touch Displays

The touchscreen is fast growing to be the primary user-interface for industrial applications that require easy, fast and accurate operations. To help develop optimized and efficient user experiences, Bifa provides a variety of integration services to meet your specific machine and application needs.

Medical and Healthcare

Medical and Healthcare

The touch LCDs are ideal for medical and healthcare applications due to the nature of easy operation, no radiation and quick responsive display. Bifa fulfills medical and patient-care applications with a wide selection of high performance cover glass, coating and display enhancement technologies to enable fine color/grey scale performance, infection prevention and fully operational displays.

Aviation and Military

Aviation and Military

The LCD display could be one of the most important instruments for pilots to receive instant inflight safety and weather information for proper reaction during a flight ride. Bifa is familiar with specific displays that fulfill good visibility, high contrast ratio and wide viewing angle in extreme cockpit conditions.

Air Flight Navigation

Air Flight Navigation

Bifa is also experienced with air traffic control applications with navigation LCD solutions. Our engineering team provides excellent bonding skills to eliminate screen reflection and glare, and also enhance clarity and contrast to increase visibility in either bright or dark ambient light conditions.



Facing constantly changing light conditions, in-car LCDs must be bright enough to match the cockpit illumination all the way during a train ride or a bus ride. Bifa provides advanced anti-reflective technology that enhances the monitor readability and reduces glare to maintain stable visibility in both low and bright light conditions.

Point of Information/KIOSKs

Point of Information/KIOSKs

To improve the monitor's durability and lifespan for public point of information KIOSKs, Bifa is adept at adding various surface coatings to provide better scratch and chemical resistance for smooth user experiences.

Industrial Control

Industrial Control

Optimized for Industrial Automation – Our rugged touch displays provide advanced multi-touch support for precise control and real-time monitoring in manufacturing, machinery, and process systems. Built to withstand harsh environments, they ensure reliable performance, wide temperature adaptability, and customizable solutions for industrial applications.